Booking Overview - Creating Your First Event
Booking Widget Overview
Create a Booking Operator
To create a booking operator simply go to Booking -> Operators -> Create New Operator You can setup things as: Name Email Description (to show if you have multiple operators) Image (also shown if you have multiple operators) Color (for easier way...
Create a Booking Service
To create a booking service go to Booking -> Services -> Create New Service You have the ability to add: Name of the service Description Type of the service - Group or One-on-One. If you select a Group Meeting, that allows multiple people to book...
Auto-assign Booking Operator
If your appointment event has more than one operator you can auto-assign depending on availability one of the operators added for that event. You do that from the Operators & Services tab when editing an event. You will see a checkbox to assign ...
Setup Booking Availability
To setup the Availability for an event, simply go to the Availability tab of that event where you can setup the availability for the operators in that meeting event. You have the ability to: Select the availability for which people can schedule ...
Ask Questions Before Booking
You can ask as many different questions before a user books an appointment for your calendar. You do that form the event -> Form Questions. You can click on the Edit Form Questions and start adding your desired fields.